TGA Director resignations & appointments

Dear Member,

The TGA wishes to inform our members of the changes that have occurred regarding the Board of Directors resignations and appointments. 

  1. As of January 31, 2019, Ed Gardner resigned from the Board.  The TGA appreciates the many years he served, first as Director and then being elected as Secretary/Treasurer in 2018.  We wish Mr. Gardner the best of luck in all his endeavors.
  2. As of today, February 1, 2019, Kevin Fulton also resigned from the Board.  Mr. Fulton served only for a short period of time, but his input was valuable as a Director and we also wish him the best of luck.
  3. The Board voted for Lee Harrington to fulfill the remainder of the Secretary/Treasurer position and President Peck appointed Laird Morgan to fulfill the remainder of Mr. Fulton’s seat, leaving one seat left to be filled.