Pari-Mutuel Wagering on Historical Races
Dear TGA Member,
On June 10, the Texas Racing Commission considered draft rules for the implementation of pari-mutuel wagering on historical races at licensed Texas racetracks, and voted to publish the rules in the Texas Register for receipt of public comments. This type of wagering has been very successful in Arkansas and Kentucky, and can have the same positive results in Texas.
It is extremely important that Commissioners hear from as many greyhound breeders, owners and kennel owners as possible in support of this opportunity.
There are 3 sample letters that you may copy or revise and send to the Commissioners in care of TxRC Executive Director Chuck Trout via email to, fax to (512) 833-6907, or mail to Texas Racing Commission, PO Box 12080, Austin, TX 78711.
Also, please send a copy to us at, fax to (254) 857-4299 or mail to TGA, PO Box 40; Lorena, TX 76655, so that we have record of how many letters have been sent.