Mark Your Calendar!

vote counts

Mark Your Calendar for the following dates:

1.  Tuesday; February 10, 2015 – the Election Committee will send out the ballots.

2.  Friday; March 6, 2015 – RSVP for lunch.

3.  Thursday; March 12, 2015 – Ballots MUST be returned.

4.  Saturday; March 14, 2015 – TGA Annual Membership Meeting with lunch catered and served from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm and the meeting will begin 12:00 pm.

5. Lunch menu:
Shrimp E’touffee w/rice
Chicken/Sausage Gumbo w/ rice, salad/slaw bread
Blackberry & Peach Cobbler
Iced Teavote